UWF (United Women in faith )
The United Women in Faith of Wesley UMC is a very active group. They meet on the first Saturday of each month at 10:00 am in the church parlor. There is a short business meeting followed by a speaker or program and then refreshments and fellowship. The purpose of the UMW is to support the church and the community through missions. The meetings and participation in the UWF are open to all. You do not have to be a church member to attend. check out the website-uwfaith.org
Bible Study
Pastor leads a weekly Bible Study in the church parlor. This is an ongoing class that can be joined at any time. All are welcome.
Date and time to be announced
Our Sunday School and Youth Ministry is an ever-evolving program.
Healing Prayers
Pastor offers healing prayers on Wednesdays at 11:00 am. A small group meets and prays for personal and community concerns. All are welcome to come and join in prayer or to request prayers.
INN (Interfaith Nutritional Network) in Hempstead
The INN is a place that provides hot meals and nonperishable food items and temporary living spaces for those in need. Wesley UMC, led by the United Women in Faith has an ongoing commitment to them supply food, clothing, and monetary donations.
Glory House
Glory House provides temporary living space for up to 21 women in need. Wesley UMC has an annual project where we put together gift bags for all the women and deliver them.
UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief)
A United Methodist agency that responds to urgent global needs such as medical crises and natural disaster relief. 100% of all funds donated to UMCOR go directly to relief, not administrative costs.
Food Collection
We have an ongoing non-perishable food collection program. Special collections are made during the Thanksgiving season, Super Bowl, etc.
Wesley Players
The Wesley Players is a community theatre group that produced 1-2 secular productions per year. All those involved are volunteers including the director, producer, stage managers, and actors. Open auditions are held for each production.